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Vehicle ID# 417
1946 CJ-2a
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Owner Information
Owner: Evan McConnell
Location: McCook, Nebraska

Vehicle Description: 46 CJ2A Original engine, frame, body,and all matching numbers. Originally potomac grey with sunset red wheels. Has a little rust out in the passenger floorboard and toolbox.

Vehicle Information
Model: 1946 CJ-2a
Vehicle Serial #: 71,123
Engine Serial #: hard to read
Purchase Price: $1,200.00
Current Est. Value: $1,700.00
Purchased Condition: 3/10
Current Condition: 5/10
Location Purchased: McCook, Nebraska

Vehicle Story: I´m 12 years old and I have just recieved this CJ2A about four months ago. I got interested in all kinds of Jeeps when my dad bought a Wrangler and I have been searching for a Willys ever since. One night my dad went over to talk and have a couple drinks with our neighbors. Where my brother and I play with their sons. The subject got on Jeeps. I don´t know how it did, but it did. Fred our neighbor happens to be a railroader and he told my dad about this jeep sitting by the skating rink. My dad the next day just happened to bump into the owner of the skating rink. My dad asked him about it and it was for sale! The next day my dad met with the owner and planned things out. I had just got off from school and my dad told me we are going to go to the skating rink. I was wondering why would we be going to the skating rink when I had a paper route to do. He led me out by the rink and there sat a tail end of something rusty and then I saw the tailgate with the Willys Stamping on it. I stood there in disbeleif. I also learned a that time that it used to be my great grandpa´s when he ran the drive in theater in McCook. The night before we were talking about how cool it would be to find it. I am currently trying to get her running. I have already had to buy a new starter for her, but she is coming along fine. It is hard to work on my Jeep when my dad is in Kuwait for a year glad thing he found it before he left. I am geting help from one of my grandpa´s that knows how to fix up cars. I plan on doing a frame-up restoration to almost original condition.

Vehicle Viewed 1317 Times 
Vehicle Registration Created: 06/02/2004 

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