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Vehicle ID# 740
1947 CJ-2a
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Owner Information
Owner: Charlie Kukral
Email Address: charliekukral@yahoo.com
Phone Number: 928 927 8334
Location: P O Box 2102
186 w camel lane
Quartzsite, Arizona 85346

Vehicle Description: Tourq blue.. orig motor..about only addition is the roll bar.
military tires

Vehicle Information
Model: 1947 CJ-2a
Vehicle Serial #: 0123388
Purchase Price: $2,600.00
Current Est. Value: $0.00
Purchased Condition: 5/10
Current Condition: 5/10
Location Purchased: Quartzsite Arizona

Vehicle Story: a friend of mine here bought this and when he found out it only went about 40 for top speed, he wanted to sell as he wanted to drive it on the interstate hwy here to Blythe.
So.. I bought it from him for what he paid for it. It is as I bought it. Have put 1000 miles on it first year, mostly in desert around here

Vehicle Viewed 900 Times 
Vehicle Registration Created: 10/30/2005 

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